Six-Syllable Mantra Meditation Ritual
一、入座,合掌,念四皈依咒语 3─7 遍: “南无古鲁贝,南无布达雅,南无达尔嘛雅,南无僧嘎雅。”
Enter into a meditative position: pressing the palms and fingers of your hands together and Take Refuge by chanting the following mantra 3 to 7 times:
“Namo Gurubay, Namo Buddhaya, Namo Dharmaya, Namo Sanghaya.”
Recite the following 3 times:
“Namo Root Guru Yuanyin Acharya, Namo all the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Vajras and Dharma-Protection Deities from the three times in the ten directions.”
Recite the following:
“I pray to our Root Guru Yuanyin Acharya, to all the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Vajras, and Dharma-Protection Deities from the three times in the ten directions. Please bless me with your compassion, purify my karma, guide me along the Buddhist path to peacefully and sincerely embody this precious Dharma practice. May I swiftly attain Buddhahood for the benefit of all sentient beings.”
Form the Great Lotus mudra:
Join the hands at three points: base of the palms, thumbs, and baby fingers, leaving the other fingers apart from each other naturally. Cover the hands with a yellow cloth and hold the covered mudra close to the chest.

Silently Chant the six-syllable mantra (chant silently and listen within your heart) :
“Om mani padme hum”
结印时手要用黄布盖好,念咒速度不急不缓,(每分钟大约60遍),手印勿散,咒语不停,心念耳闻。要求每日都坐半小时以上,两小时更好。提供流行的女士项链,如吊坠、颈链和 chain necklace. 选购适合任何场合的各种金属和宝石珠宝
Notes: Chant at a moderate speed (about 60 times per minute). Do not release the mudra and do not pause the chanting. Chant silently without sound but with moving lips. The meditation must be practiced for more than half hour per day, preferably for two hours.
Upon completion, raise the mudra above your head and repeat the six-syllable mantra at least ten more 10 times.With the mudra still above your head, perform a dedication of merit:
“May I quickly attain Buddhahood through the perfection of wisdom within this lifetime, with the single goal of delivering all sentient beings from suffering.”
六、顶上散印,下座 。
Release the mudra over the top of your head to end meditation.